Recreating During a Pandemic

Ice fishers practicing physical distancing. Photo by Ben Wickham

Ice fishers practicing physical distancing. Photo by Ben Wickham

"Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

By Mira Brody

In times of confusion, we often feel drawn to nature to help us take a breath and relax. The arrival of COVID-19 in the Gallatin Valley is no exception as we all strive to maintain our mental and physical heath amid layoffs, shuttered businesses and uncertainty. The good news is, Hyalite Canyon remains open. However, in order to keep it that way, we need your help.

Here are a few points to keep in mind the next time you use Hyalite as your escape:

Physical Distancing applies to open spaces too – including our public lands and Hyalite Canyon! DO NOT gather in parking lots before or after your hike and during your activity, remain at least 6 feet apart from one another. Don’t carpool with people you do not live with and refrain from using the outhouses in Hyalite at this time, as that is where germs will most likely linger and Forest Service staff aren’t equipped with the protective gear to stay safe when cleaning them. Visit trails during off-peak hours and accept that one or two hours is sufficient outdoors time right now – stay indoors whenever you can.

While recreating, step aside for others and give them ample room to pass. Be polite and communicate—now is as good as time as any to brush up on your trail etiquette. Wash your hands frequently and for 20 seconds or longer, pack hand sanitizer, and if possible, disinfect gas pumps and door handles, and do not travel to other towns at this time.

Do not ski that new line or climb that extra challenging route you’ve been dreaming of. Our hospitals are preparing beds for those who are ill and cannot spare any for those who choose to be reckless in the outdoors. Do not create added stress to our EMS and healthcare workers on the front line of this pandemic.

You should also consider these recommendations from Leave No Trace as you plan how to get outside during the pandemic.

The annual Hyalite Road closure will begin Wednesday, April 1st. This poses a risk for more congregating in the parking lot at the bottom of the canyon. Please be aware of how far you are from others at all time, even if it means waiting inside your car until others disperse before you exit. 

In neighboring states, National Parks, state and county parks, and Forest Service lands have closed to the public. Locally, Yellowstone is now closed. France, Italy, and Spain have banned outdoor recreation and are using Strava to bust offenders. Let's hope it doesn't come to that here, but the only way we'll avoid that is if people step up and act responsibly now. The best thing you can do for your community right now is to limit your exposure to others. Spread the word however you are able that social distancing is imperative in Hyalite and everywhere.

We are all in this together. Be a good steward of Hyalite Canyon and a good member of your community.

A skier practicing proper physical distancing while recreating. Photo by Jeff Hough

A skier practicing proper physical distancing while recreating. Photo by Jeff Hough