Summer Stewardship evening events
Here is another opportunity to give back to Bozeman’s most popular recreation area, Hyalite Canyon. Friends of Hyalite will be sponsoring three Summer Stewardship evening events on June 14, July 12 and August 9. Join us from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM on those dates to help out with various stewardship projects. Projects in the past have included removing old barbed wire fence and trail maintenance. We have other projects in mind this year as well. Watch this page and social media for specifics on where to meet and what projects we will be doing. See you out there!
Our second Stewardship Evening event is this Wednesday July 12 . We will be installing posts for new trail signs that will make finding your way around Hyalite much easier. Meet at the Blackmore parking lot (1/4 mile below the Reservoir) at 6:00 PM. Be prepared for digging with hand tools. Snacks will be provided, but please bring your own water. Come help out and make a difference for everyone who enjoys Hyalite.